Tuesday, August 18, 2009


"Nan-nays" (A.K.A. bandaids)

Once you have a runner, you suffer many injuries. This summer Ella had her fair shares of skinned knees and blistered ankles. She is so funny with her "goo-goos" (boo-boos). She is very sensitive to us touching them. However, she is very quick to kiss and even hug her OWN goo-goos. It cracks me up! I felt our brown bandaids were a little boring, so I bought her some Hello Kitty ones. They were a BIG hit, perhaps a little too big. We loved our "nan-nays" and often asked for more. Thankfully the newness wore off. But our boo-boos haven't, we still get our fair share. It's tough to be a toddler! But we are there to give hugs and kisses after every fall!

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