Wednesday, June 3, 2009


I know that I do not blog as much anymore. Having a curious toddler to chase after keeps me busy! We enjoyed many adeventures during the month of May. We visited our favorite place several times, The Rose Garden in Roswell. Ella just loves to pick the flowers, play with the statues, and RUN! We chose the Rose Garden as our setting for Mother's Day pictures, and the pictures turned out wonerful! Thanks to my VERY talented husband!

Zoo Atlanta had an educators day during the month of May. So we took Ella. Luckily it was free for Ella and I and discounted for Daddy, because Ella was not a huge fan of the zoo. She just wanted to RUN, which it was way too crowded for that or she wanted me and only me to carry her, which was tiring! We brought the stroller, but we had to keep taking her out of it in order to see the animals, and it was hard to stroll through the mass of people. She did not notice the animals unless they were moving or big. We rode the train and went to the petting zoo. Then I put her in the stroller with a snack, and she refused to get out of it. So our zoo trip was short. However, her expression when she saw one of the animals was priceless!

What did she see?

Our last May trip was to the Atlanta Botantical Gardens. It is free for UPS employees and guests. Since Daddy works for UPS, we invited cousin Natalie, Aunt Jennifer, and Uncle Nathan to join us. The gardens were BEAUTIFUL, and the little girls were adorable. We dressed them up and took the BIG cameras. Funny, we did not take one picture of them together. We snapped maybe a dozen of Ella and that was it. Ella did not do so well here either. She just wanted to RUN! We were trying to stay together, but Ella wanted to go her own way and at her own pace. We walked through the children's area, went to have a snack, and went home. Short and sweet. Highlight for Ella? Playing with a door. I think we opened and closed it 100 times! Funny what draws their attention.

SO what did I learn? I learned that toddlers are unpredictable and will most likely to the opposite of what you want! I learned that toddlers just want to climb and RUN! I learned that toddlers to not completely understand boundries. AND I learned that unless it is free or cheap, do not waste money on a special trip for your toddler. So this summer we will have a lot a play dates, play at the park, and enjoy the pool. Oh and RUN!!!! ALL FREE! LOL! She's our little explorer, and we love her!

1 comment:

Unknown said...

We have a runner on our hands as well. That combined with her major independent streak makes for some fun times!

Love your park photos!