Sunday, January 11, 2009


Ella is growing SO much and amazes us eveyday with her new talents! She is talking more and more. She can say about twenty words. My favorite is "tout-tide", that means outside. She LOVES to be outside, however the weather has been SO nasty lately. If we make it out, she loves to just walk around. She loves to point at our cat (who sleeps in her room) and say, "mow". It is so cute when I ask her if she wants to go nite-nite, she will say "ni-ni". I love to hear her talk. She has been saying "mama" and "dada" for a while. Just recently she has said our names when she sees us or is looking for us. When Daddy is holding her, she will point at me and say so sweetly, "mama". Then, she will reach out for me. It melts my heart! Sometimes she will wander the house looking for me, saying "mama". When Daddy comes home and Ella hears the garage door open she will say "dada". It is So endearing! Everyday she amazes me with the new words she can say. We are still doing sign language with her, but have kinda slacked lately. She has mastered: milk, more, and eat. She does not hesitate to let us know when she needs something.

She is becoming very helpful in cleaning up. If she finds trash or lint on the floor, she will pick it up and hand it to me. Sometimes, she will throw it in the trashcan herself. I think she thinks it is fun to put things in the trashcan-LOL. We worry that she will throw something important in there, so we check frequently. Also, if I give her a rag she will start wiping the floor for me. So silly! She has gotten taller. I know this because she can reach in places that she could not reach before. I found her standing on the hearth one day. I was scared she would fall, but couldn't help but laugh. She still loves to give hugs! Nothing is better than getting a wonderful hug from her. We love her dearly! She makes us smile everyday. She has brought so much joy and laughter into our world!

1 comment:

Mommawith3 said...

Looks like Ella had a great Christmas! I can't believe how big she is now!