Sunday, August 24, 2008


Ella is now TEN months old! It is hard to believe how fast time has gone by and how much she has changed. She is such a silly girl and makes us laugh every day! This month she is standing while holding on to furniture with ONE hand! Her balance is getting better. She has stood on her own a few times for a brief second before falling. She can transfer from one piece of furniture to another. She walks around the coffee table and the hearth. She loves to stand in her crib, which she was doing last month. I love to go in her room in the morning and find her standing and smiling. She eats more and more table food. She loves it! She is SUCH a good eater! Ella is good at entertaining herself and loves to play with items that are NOT her toys. Normal I know! I see her play on the floor and think-WOW she is so big. Then, when she stands I think-WOW she is so little. I cannot imagine her walking, but we know it is coming. Watch out! As you all know for the past three months she has belly/army crawled with and occassional crawling the right way. Well on her ten month birthday, she all the sudden just starting crawling the normal way with and occassional belly crawl. Funny huh? Needless to say, we love her more than you know, and enjoy her silly personality! She is so fun to be around. Ella brightens are day.

1 comment:

Mommawith3 said...

She's decided she's a big girl now. No more baby crawling. I can't wait to see her this weekend!