Wednesday, July 2, 2008


Sorry for delay in blogging. Our house has been hit by a nasty cold. Ella went to the doctor for the first time because of an illness, and she ran a fever for the first time due to being sick (not counting a shot related fever). Ella had the cold first, she passed it to me and Daddy. I have it in my head-sinuses, and Daddy has it in his chest. We are all miserable. So the past week looks like this for me: constantly wiping a a runny nose, restless nights, checking temperature or constantly feeling her head, lots of hugs, lots of snuggles, bulb syringing her nose daily (she HATES!), lots of time spent in rocker or on Mommy's lap, finding clever ways to entertain a sick baby, trying to rest or take a nap myself, brushing away tears, and more. As much as I feel bad that she has a cold, I am greatful that it is not worse. Only time will heal, and until then I will be there to wipe her nose and tears, rock her back to sleep, play from my lap, and provide lots of TLC!

Sick and still cute, smiling, talking, and laughing. Please send all your get well wishes this way!

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Yuck. That doesn't sound like fun. Hope everyone is starting to feel better.